Author: Gesten Van der Post

Some people say Gesten is the Keyzer Soze of the journalism and content writing world.

As we look skyward and see planes flying thousands of feet above us, we often wonder about those who sit in the cockpit. Airline pilots don’t just get planes from one city to another—they do so much more. Read on to learn about the skills and qualifications pilots need to succeed. Aviation Knowledge Pilots need a deep understanding of aircraft navigation, systems, and regulations. Airline pilots must familiarize themselves with the FAA’s latest procedures and technologies, which help them do their jobs efficiently and safely. If you decide to become a pilot, brush up on your aviation knowledge. Situational Awareness…

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If you are ready to buy or sell a business, it’s time to find a business broker. While this step can be taken without professional assistance, men and women find having this professional on their side throughout the process comes with many benefits. The broker guides you throughout the complex process while protecting your interests. With their help, the transaction will move smoothly from start to finish. However, you need to select the right broker to achieve these goals. The following guide will help you find this professional.  Reputation and Experience The first thing to look for when comparing the…

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In recent years, vaping has emerged as a popular alternative to smoking, with products like the ELF Bar gaining considerable attention. However, the journey to quit smoking or vaping can be challenging. As we move into 2024, let’s explore five effective strategies to help you kick the habit for good. 1. Understand Your Why Before embarking on your journey, it’s crucial to understand why you want to quit. Whether it’s for health reasons, financial savings, or to set a good example for your children, your ‘why’ will be your anchor. Write it down, think about it, and let it motivate…

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Got a passion for fitness and an entrepreneurial mindset? Well, if you do, and you’re reading this, you could make a great personal trainer. The role of personal trainers are in high demand at the moment, as more people than ever embrace the healthy lifestyle and seek help with their fitness goals. And whether you’re an experienced trainer looking to start a freelance business, or a newbie looking to get their first personal training certification, there are a number of reasons you might consider this career path. If you are looking to become a personal trainer, ISSA offer world recognised…

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In a world where sexuality and its commercialisation continue to be widely debated, Playboy and the world of escorts remain at the forefront, between scandal and fascination. While the world of sex has often been seen as taboo, despite being one of the world’s oldest industries, the rise of digital access to adult work has seen a wider acceptance of this once shady industry. Whats more, Playboy, an iconic brand, has influenced the perception and dynamics of the escort business. Playboy: More than a Magazine, a Cultural Shift Since its inception in 1953, Playboy has been much more than just…

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The adult industry might carry a taboo stereotype, yet it stands as a thriving sector of the global economy, raking in $97 billion per year. And whats more, the adult entertainment and porn industry is only set to grow as we move forward. The appeal of working in the adult industry is undeniably appealing and intriguing for many. Getting paid to have sex, or to flaunt your body? It sounds like easy money, especially for those who are sexually confident, open minded and and looking to break the conventional career moulds. If you’ve ever considered starting a porn business, you’re…

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Ah, Italy. A land steeped in romance, brimming with centuries of history, and bursting with unparalleled beauty. While many travelers are drawn to its iconic cities, with their world-renowned art, mouthwatering cuisine, and rich cultural tapestry, the discerning playboy recognizes that Italy’s allure extends far beyond its urban centers. The Mediterranean Sea, with its azure waters and sun-kissed waves, beckons the adventurous at heart. If you’re yearning for a nautical escapade that’s both luxurious and exhilarating, sailing in Italy promises an odyssey like no other. Why Sailing in Italy? You might wonder, with the vast expanse of the world’s oceans…

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Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Cryptocurrency are two of the most intriguing and rapidly evolving technologies that are shaping the 21st century. While independently influential, these technologies merge seamlessly within the realm of finance, especially in the world of the cryptocurrency exchanges and trading. Managing a crypto portfolio can be a complex and time consuming, filled with various tools and strategies. And it’s these complexities that can make trading crypto a daunting task. That’s where AI and trading bots can lend a hand. So how can you integrate the AI trend into your trading strategy? Can AI Do Crypto Trading? The…

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Welcome to the exciting world of OnlyFans, where many men are discovering amazing opportunities to make money. In this article, we’ll dive into the basics of monetizing an OnlyFans account and explore top strategies to maximize your earnings. Whether you prefer a safe and work-friendly approach or want to explore more daring options, we’ve got you covered. So, let’s get started on your journey to financial success on OnlyFans! Top 4 Strategies to Maximize Your OnlyFans Earnings: Insights from Men in the Know Now that you grasp the basics, let’s explore the top strategies employed by successful men on OnlyFans.…

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Africa, a continent of breathtaking landscapes, rich cultures, and diverse wildlife, offers adventurous expeditions and luxurious escapes catering to travellers seeking opulence and exclusivity. From lavish safari lodges to private island retreats, Africa’s hospitality industry has evolved to provide discerning travellers with unforgettable experiences in the lap of luxury. This guide will explore some of the most opulent and indulgent destinations and activities that await those searching for a premium African adventure. Singita Grumeti, Tanzania Exclusive Safari: Singita Grumeti, situated adjacent to the Serengeti National Park, offers a private and luxurious safari experience. Stay in exquisite lodges or safari camps,…

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When it comes to long distance driving, be it trucking, RV road trips, or even food truck management, certain practical amenities become less of a luxury and more of a necessity. One such amenity is a truck refrigerator. Whether on a long-haul delivery, an adventurous road trip, or serving fresh food from your food truck, having an accessible, efficient cool-storage solution can be a game-changer. This comprehensive guide compares the two types of refrigerators for truckers, built-in units and portable refrigerators, to help you decide the best fit for your needs. We’ve delved deep into the pros and cons, adaptability,…

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So you’re wondering about ways to make extra money online, but you’re not sure if its a good idea? Whether it’s to save more, pay off debts, or simply have a stronger financial foundation, making extra money online has become a popular choice for those seeking additional income. And the world of side hustles has gone from being a niche idea to something very much in the mainstream. We’ll take a dive into the benefits of online income and some of the benefits of building your hustle to earn extra money online. Understanding the Concept of Online Earning The rise…

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Storytelling has always been a powerful tool for capturing people’s attention and engaging their emotions. In the world of SEO, incorporating storytelling techniques can make a significant impact on the success of your digital marketing campaigns, especially when it comes to promoting quirky tech products. This article has been created by A1 SEO Hull to explore why storytelling is so crucial in the realm of SEO. Why is storytelling important in SEO? Storytelling helps to create a deeper connection between your brand and your target audience. It allows you to convey the value and benefits of your products in a…

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Staying active is crucial if you want a healthy and fit lifestyle. Whether you are a gym rat or a fitness newbie, having the right equipment will better your gym experience. Most people focus on getting the right gear but forget about buying a quality gym bag. Quality gym bags are more than just a means of carrying your workout equipment. The bags come with extra features to keep your stuff organized. They will also complement your look, especially if you want to look fresh to and from the gym. Steps for Choosing the Best Gym Bag There are many…

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Nestled in the southern part of China, Shenzhen is a city that has undergone a remarkable transformation in recent decades. What was once a fishing village has now evolved into a thriving metropolis, often referred to as the “Silicon Valley of China.” With its stunning skyscrapers, cutting-edge technology, and rich cultural heritage, Shenzhen has become a must-visit destination for travelers seeking a unique blend of tradition and innovation. In this article, we will take you on a virtual journey through the captivating city of Shenzhen, highlighting its top attractions, cultural experiences, and culinary delights. A Brief History of Shenzhen Shenzhen’s…

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Tel Aviv, nestled along the Mediterranean coast, has become a global hub for startups and innovation. Israel is known as the “Startup Nation,” with Tel Aviv’s thriving tech scene attracting business travelers seeking opportunities, inspiration, and collaboration. In this article, we explore why Tel Aviv’s startup ecosystem has become an irresistible destination for business travelers. The Tel Aviv Startup Phenomenon Tel Aviv’s startup ecosystem has achieved remarkable growth, making it one of the fastest-growing mature ecosystems on a global scale. In just a few years, the value of Tel Aviv startups has surged to an impressive $393 billion, marking a…

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Navigating the world of real estate can be as exhilarating as a night at the Monte Carlo Casino or a weekend getaway in Saint-Tropez. It’s a world of opportunity, ripe for those who have the savoir-faire to seize it. Yet, for the modern playboy with a penchant for fast cars, luxury villas, and making quick yet informed decisions, understanding the nuances of property financing becomes crucial. Enter: Bridging Loans. But first, let’s set the stage. A World of Opportunity Global real estate presents myriad opportunities, from penthouses in Manhattan to beachfront villas in Bali. Owning a piece of paradise (or…

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In a world saturated by consumerism and excess, a countercultural movement is growing and inviting people to embrace a more conscious way of living: minimalism. But what is minimalism? Minimalism is a lifestyle that encourages simplicity. It operates under the philosophy that less is more and places life’s significance on experiences and relationships rather than material possessions. This approach challenges the consumer-driven culture we’ve grown accustomed to, where an individual’s worth is often measured by their wealth and accumulation of possessions. Today, minimalism is gaining popularity for several reasons. Men, in particular, are understanding the pressure and emptiness that consumerism…

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The trend for fitness trackers and smartwatches has exploded in recent years, as these products have developed and improved. From the early days of the Apple Watch to the growing options for Android OS based smart watches, there are more great smartwatches to choose from than ever before. While the essential usage remains their ability to tell the time at a glance, these cool wristwear items, even budget smartwatches, are feature packed with everything from health monitoring to incoming call and message notifications. When it comes to finding a smartwatch, we don’t all want to shell out top dollar. But…

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In this ever-evolving, fast-paced world full to the brim with glittering screens and superfast internet, rediscovering the unfiltered, raw beauty of our diverse planet is a privilege like no other. Travel in your 20s is like nothing else, and is something that we all should embrace. Your roaring 20s are a generational wild card: a beautiful blend of freedom and (minimal) responsibility. Travel during this time can be likened to a thrilling roller coaster ride that not only injects hitherto unfelt adrenaline in your bloodstream, but also profoundly shapes your world-view, personal preferences, and even your very personality! Forget swiping…

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So, you’re contemplating jumping on the OnlyFans bandwagon? You’re not alone. This platform has seen a meteoric rise in popularity, becoming a go-to place for content creators and their followers alike. Whether you’re an artist, fitness trainer, chef, or just someone with unique insights to share, there’s potential for you on OnlyFans. You might be wondering what sets OnlyFans apart from myriad other social media platforms out there. Why should you take the time to create yet another digital profile? The answer lies in OnlyFan’s unique benefits. Unraveling the Benefits of an OnlyFans Account Unlike many other platforms where content…

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