Getting laid seems to come naturally to some men, amiright? Actually buddy, it ain’t rocket science. And when it comes to the rules of seduction, there a few simple things you can bear in mind.
Now, yes, you can take a whole seduction course, or read a book with a million psychology tips to remember. But… Fuck me, you don’t want to be trying to remember how to play the mental game when you’re three negronis down and trying to work out if this girl is down to fuck or just wants you to buy her a drink and go away.
Yes, there are simple seduction rules that all men can follow. And yes, they work.
Before we go into the actual simple seduction rules for men, lets look at a few simple things.
What do you need to be ready to seduce any woman?
Before you think about seduction, there are a few non-negotiable things you need to take care of. While you can still pull a girl without these, they really will help.
These things are:
- Being presentable
- Being friendly
- Being respectful
Honestly, that’s as simple as it gets right?
Looking at these in turn.
Being presentable simply means wearing clothes that are clean, not got weird stains on them and ideally having clean teeth.
Friendly just means you’re smiling, you’re talking and you have a sense of humour. Ticking that box, right?
And being respectful is obvious surely. You ain’t gonna call her a bitch, you’re not gonna pinch her ass and you’re not basically being a dickhead.
We’ve got some great guides on this blog inluding:
How to make great conversation with anyone
How to approach a girl in the street
Simple seduction pre-requistites done. Lets get to the actual seduction tips.
Rule 1: Choose the right target
When you go in to approach the girl of your dreams (or at least fantasies), choose a girl who looks like she might be interested in you. Now, while many pick up artists will tell you that you can have ANY woman you want (and of course they tell you that, they’ve got expensive courses to sell), the truth is slightly more complicated.
Yes, technically you could seduce (almost) any woman if you mastered extreme confidence, had some crazy psychology game and were just a douche.
But for most guys the best approach is to pick a girl you think you could vibe with. And by this, I mean a girl who you could spend time talking and joking with.
Women might give off a ‘get lost loser’ vibe when you first start talking, even the ones you could vibe with. But often it takes a casual approach, some light chat and coaxing her to let her guard down and then, boom, you’re in business.
Rule 2: Be clear in your pursuit
OK, so you found that hottie. You complimented her shoes, made a joke and now…
Just be clear about what you’re doing. She already knows anyway, right?
Say you approached her in the street, drop a:
‘Look, I just saw you and had to come say hi. What are you up to now?’
Maybe you approached her in the bar:
‘You’re looking great tonight, do you mind if I join you for a drink?’
If she’s interested in you, you should get an affirmative. If not, no problem. You’re a big boy. You can handle a bit of rejection right? Thank her for her time, smile, and walk away.

Rule 3: Be fun
When it comes to simple seduction tips, there is one that works every time, no matter the situation: be fun.
This is the seduction tip that will get you that girl who is way out of your league.
Be funny. Tell great stories. Suggest doing something crazy and impulsive right now. (skinny dipping might be too far though bro)
You don’t need to overdo it, you just need to be on the right side of NOT BORING.
Rule 4: Validate her interest
There is nothing more annoying than putting in all that work only to find out that she’s married, or not in the mood for sex, whatever. While it’s also tricky to come out and say, ‘Hey, are you up for some sex tonight?’, that does sometimes work.
But if you’re on the shy side, you can probe and ask things like:
‘What are your plans for tonight?’
Or, maybe even…
‘Do you have a boyfriend/husband?’
Actually, it’s good to get that one out of the way relatively soon so you can wrap up.
But generally, there is nothing wrong with asking her if you can take her home tonight. In fact, depending on the situation, it might be the best course of action.
Rule 5: Watch those cues
Be awake to those cues brother. If she’s acting disinterested, being hard conversation or just generally making your life difficult, there is no clearer sign to get the fuck outta there.
A good prospective lay should at least be open to conversation and not trying to shake you off at every opportunity.
There are some good common cues to watch out for such as:
- Playing with her hair
- Biting her lip
- Making suggestive comments
- Lingering eye contact
All of these are simple seduction cues from a woman’s side, so stay alert. We have a more comprehensive guide about how to tell if a woman is flirting, so check that out.
Make sure to check out our guide to sexy questions so you can turn up the heat.
To recap
So when it comes to seduction, keep it simple. And no you don’t need to remember a million things, just 5 simple seduction rules.
- Choose your target wisely. Look for a woman you could vibe with and who you might be ‘her type’.
- Make it clear that you’re going to flirt, ask if she minds if you join her.
- Be a fun fella. Cos you already are…
- Don’t be afraid to check that you are on (potentially) for naked fun
- And keep an eye out for those cues
Happy hunting fellas!
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