Understanding how to compliment a girl is a lost gentlemanly art. In the era of Andrew Tate, ghosting and swiping left, knowing how to roll out the right compliment for a girl can be a devastating tool.
And this most manly of skills isn’t just good for seduction. If you want to build rapport with a woman, make friends or simply break the ice, knowing how compliments for girls work can make a big difference to your social skills.
OK – first lets find out why you need to understand how to offer a compliment for a woman.
The Science of Complimenting Women
Complimenting someone is a powerful tool to show appreciation, build rapport and establish positive relationships. When it comes to complimenting women, it’s essential to understand the science behind it and how to use this tool effectively.
Understanding the Psychological Effects of Compliments
Studies have shown that compliments can boost a person’s self-esteem, increase positive emotions and improve overall mood. Receiving a genuine compliment can make someone feel valued and appreciated, which can result in stronger feelings of trust and connection.
Importance of Choosing the Right Words
The words you choose when giving a compliment are crucial. Using specific, descriptive words instead of generic terms can make the compliment feel more meaningful and personal. For example, instead of saying “You look pretty today,” you could say “Your smile lights up the room and it’s such a beautiful thing to see.”
The Impact of Tone and Body Language
The tone and body language you use when giving a compliment can also have a significant impact. Speak in a warm, friendly tone and make eye contact to show that you are genuinely engaged and interested in what you’re saying. Additionally, a smile and a nod can emphasize the sincerity of your compliment.
The science of complimenting women involves understanding the psychological effects of compliments, choosing the right words, and using the right tone and body language. By using these techniques, you can give effective compliments that will make a lasting impression and strengthen your relationships with women.
Check out our guide to body language.
The top compliments for women
Compliment her makeup
If you want to compliment a girl, you should compliment her makeup.
Why? Because makeup is something that a lot of women put a lot of time and effort into, whether they’re doing it for themselves or for someone else. It’s like art: it takes skill, talent, and years of practice in order to get good at it. So when you compliment a woman on her makeup, it shows that you really appreciate how much work she put into looking good!
And the best part? You don’t have to know anything about makeup!
You can just say “Wow, your eyeshadow looks great!” or “I love how your lipstick color matches your outfit perfectly!”
No matter what kind of look she’s going for—natural or dramatic—you can find something positive to say about it.
So next time you see someone rocking their look with confidence, give them a compliment! You’ll make their day and maybe even start an interesting conversation about their favorite brands and products.

Compliment her hair
Saying something complimentary about a girl’s hair is a great way to make her feel beautiful. And it’s usually an easy target, as many women like to spend time styling or preparing their hair.
“I love how your hair looks today” or “You have such shiny hair, it’s lovely”.
When you compliment a girl, it lets her know that she looks good, and that you notice it. When someone pays attention to something about us, it makes us feel special.
Complimenting her hair can also be a great way to get her talking. If you don’t know what else to say, saying something like “I love your hair!” is always sure to get an answer back! You can ask where she got it cut, or how she styles it—and from there, the conversation will flow naturally from there.
This also works if she hasn’t spent time styling her hair. She might just be wearing it loose or up in a bun, but by noticing her hair, you’re paying attention to a non-sexual physical attribute which can be a very strong play.
Compliment her style
The way she dresses is a reflection of who she is and how she feels about herself. It’s also a reflection of the kind of person she wants to be seen as.
So when you say something like “I love your outfit,” or “That dress looks great on you,” it makes her feel good about herself and also lets her know that she’s put effort into looking nice for you.
It also helps her see what kind of person you are, since she can tell if you’re just trying to flatter her or if you genuinely like what she’s wearing, which might give her some insight into whether or not it’s worth getting to know you more deeply.
You can also add to this by saying what you love about her style. Is she dressed in a unique way? Or if she is dressing in a more standard fashion, perhaps her outfit accentuates her figure or makes her look cool. Let her know why she looks awesome.

Compliment her clothes
Similar to complimenting her style, complimenting specific items of clothing can also be an excellent play. Most women spend a lot of time shopping for or obsessing over clothes, so for you to notice her great taste and style can be a huge confidence boost.
“Those shoes are great, where did you get them?” or “Wow that jacket is super cool” can be a winner and a great ice breaker.
Compliment her confidence
Women are beautiful, and they deserve to be told that. But there’s something even more beautiful and important about a girl who knows how to love herself: it’s her confidence.
Confidence comes from within, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be seen by others. And when someone notices that kind of confidence, they’re going to want to tell you about it—and telling you about it will make them feel better too!
So what if you see a girl who has done something amazing? Or made a decision that seems risky or brave? Or just seems like she has an amazing sense of humor? Complimenting someone’s confidence is the perfect way to let them know how much you appreciate them and their unique qualities—and that’s something we could all use more of in our lives!
Compliment her scent or smell
“I love your scent… What is that?”, always a great opener.
First, she’ll be flattered that you noticed she smells good. Then, she’ll feel like you’re attracted to her and will probably think more of you. If she’s wearing perfume, then it’s even better!
It’s really easy to compliment a girl on her smell: just tell her how great it smells! Just make sure that if you compliment someone’s smell in person, then it makes sense why they’re talking about their scent.
Compliment her sense of humour
If she is making you laugh, or even if you’re making her laugh, let he know how much you love her sense of humour.

Complimenting someones humour is a fast way to make a great connection – especially for women.
This is because women are more likely to be attracted to men who can make them laugh. Women also tend to be more interested in men who can make them laugh than men who can tell jokes.
If you want to compliment a girl, it’s important that your compliment is genuine. Don’t just say something like “You’re funny” if it’s not true—that’s not going to get you anywhere with anyone! Instead, make sure that what you’re saying reflects how she makes other people feel when she tells a joke or does something funny.
For example: “You have such a funny and unique way of looking at things” or “You are such a joker, I love it”.
This lets the girl know that other people think she’s funny and that she has real value because of this quality of hers.
Compliment her cleverness
Girls are smart, and they know it. But sometimes we get so used to being clever that we forget how much other people appreciate it. You can tell she’s clever because she always seems to be able to find a way out of sticky situations, or get the job done when everyone else is stuck. Or even just because she has an answer for everything and always knows what’s going on in the world around her.
So if you want to compliment a girl, tell her how much you appreciate her ability to think outside the box and come up with solutions no one else would have thought of!
Compliments to Avoid
While compliments can be a powerful tool for building positive relationships, it’s also important to be aware of what not to say. Here are some compliments that should be avoided:
Sexual or Inappropriate Compliments
Compliments that are sexual or inappropriate in nature should be avoided at all costs. This type of compliment can make the recipient feel uncomfortable or violated and can damage the relationship.
Overly Personal or Intimate Compliments
Compliments that are overly personal or intimate can also be inappropriate. For example, commenting on a person’s physical appearance or personal life without their consent can make them feel uncomfortable or violated.
Insincere or Fake Compliments
Insincere or fake compliments are also a no-no. People can usually tell when a compliment is not genuine, and it can damage the relationship. Instead, focus on giving compliments that are true and meaningful.
In summary
We hope this guide to the best compliments for girls has helped you understand how to talk to and build rapport with women. This sort of approach can be used in a variety of scenarios from work to dating, or even if you want to approach a girl out of the blue, perhaps in the street or at the bar.
Check out our other guides to chatting to girls with our super flirty questions to take it to the next level.